หัวข้อ: ข้อสอบ EMIC 2012
Old 29 กรกฎาคม 2012, 14:54
banker banker ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 24 มกราคม 2002
ข้อความ: 9,910
banker is on a distinguished road

แปะเก็บไว้ก่อน เว็บนั้นเดี๋ยวก็โดนลบ


Time:60 minutes


1. Each of the nine circles in the diagram below contains a different positive integer. These integers are consecutive and the sum of numbers in all the circles on each of the seven lines is 23. The number in the circle at the top right corner is less than the number in the circle at the bottom right corner. Eight of the numbers have been erased. Restore them.
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2. A clay tablet consists of a table of numbers, part of which is shown in the diagram below on the left. The first column consists of consecutive numbers starting from 0. In the first row, each subsequent number is obtained from the preceding one by adding 1. In the second row, each subsequent number is obtained from the preceding one by adding 2. In the third row, each subsequent number is obtained from the preceding one by adding 3, and so on. The tablet falls down and breaks up into pieces, which are swept away except for the two shown in the diagram below on the right in magnified forms, each with a smudged square. What is the sum of the two numbers on these two squares?
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3. In a row of numbers, each is either 2012 or 1. The first number is 2012. There is exactly one 1 between the first 2012 and the second 2012. There are exactly two 1s between the second 2012 and the third 2012. There are exactly three 1s between the third 2012 and the fourth 2012, and so on. What is the sum of the first 2012 numbers in the row?

4. In a test, one-third of the questions were answered incorrectly by Andrea and 7 questions were answered incorrectly by Barbara. One fifth of the questions were answered incorrectly by both of them. What was the maximum number of questions which were answered correctly by both of them?

5. Five different positive integers are multiplied two at a time, yielding ten products. The smallest product is 28, the largest product is 240 and 128 is also one of the products. What is the sum of these five numbers?

6. The diagram below shows a square MNPQ inside a rectangle ABCD where AB - BC = 7 cm. The sides of the rectangle parallel to the sides of the square. If the total area of ABNM and CDQP is 123 cm2 and the total area of ADQM and BCPN is 312 cm2, what is the area of MNPQ in cm2?
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7. Two companies have the same number of employees. The first company hires new employees so that its workforce is 11 times its original size. The second company lays off 11 employees. After the change, the number of employees in the first company is a multiple of the number of employees in the second company. What is the maximum number of employees in each company before the change?

8. ABCD is a square. K, L, M and N are points on BC such that BK = KL = LM = MN =NC. E is the point on AD such that AE = BK. In degrees, what is the measure of $ \angle AKE+ \angle ALE+\angle AME+ \angle ANE+ \angle ACE$ ?
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9. The numbers 1 and 8 have been put into two squares of a 3×3 table, as shown in the diagram below. The remaining seven squares are to be filled with the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9, using each exactly once, such that the sum of the numbers is the same in any of the four 2×2 subtables shaded in the diagram below. Find all possible solutions.
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Views: 2898
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10. At the beginning of each month, an adult red ant gives birth to three baby black ants. An adult black ant eats one baby black ant, gives birth to three baby red ants, and then dies (Also, it is known that there are always enough baby black ants to be eaten.) During the month, baby ants become adult ants, and the cycle continues. If there are 9000000 red ants and 1000000 black ants on Christmas day, what was the difference between the number of red ants and the number of black ants on Christmas day a year ago?

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(ยกเว้นความรู้ ไม่ต้องพอก็ได้ หาไว้มากๆแหละดี)
(แต่ก็อย่าให้มากจนท่วมหัว เอาตัวไม่รอด)

30 กรกฎาคม 2012 09:02 : ข้อความนี้ถูกแก้ไขแล้ว 2 ครั้ง, ครั้งล่าสุดโดยคุณ banker