Old 17 มกราคม 2005, 14:23
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วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
ข้อความ: 4,611
gon is on a distinguished road


30 ธันวาคม
1902 : Leonard Eugene Dickson married Susan Davis. Later, he often said of his honeymoon: "It was a great success, except that I only got two research papers written." In all he published 18 books and hundreds of articles.

31 ธันวาคม
1610 : Ludolph van Ceulen, fencing master and mathematics instructor, died. On his tombstone is inscribed his greatest accomplishment, the value of pi to 35 decimal places. Pi is still somtimes referred to as Ludolph's number.

1 มกราคม
46 B.C. : The first day of the first year of the Julian calendar. It remained in effect until October 4, 1582 (q.v.) The previous year, "the last year of confusion," was the longest year on record---it contained 445 days.

4713 B.C. : This is Julian day 1 and begins at noon Greenwich or Universal Time (U.T.). It provides a convenient way to keep track of the number of days between events. Noon, January 1, 1984, begins Julian Day 2,445,336. For the use of the Chinese remainder theorem in determining this date, see American Journal of Physics, 49 (1981), 658-661.

1806 : France adopts the Gregorian calendar for the second time.

2 มกราคม
1663 : The Republic of Venice offered Stefano Degli Angeli (1623-1697) the professorship of mathematics at the University of Padua, a post that Galileo had held earlier. He was a student of Cavalieri who generalized the Archimedian spiral.

3 มกราคม
1777 : Birthdate of Poinsot, discoverer of star polyhedra

4 มกราคม
1845 : The Italian geometer Giusto Bellavitis (1803-1880) was appointed, via a competitive examination, full professor of descriptive geometry at the University of Padua. He held no degrees until the university awarded an honorary doctorate in philosophy and mathematics the following year.

5 มกราคม
1874 : In a letter to Dedekind, Cantor asks if the points in a square can be put in one-to-one correspondence with those on a line. "Methinks that answering this question would be no easy job, despite the fact that the answer seems so clearly to be "no" that proof appears almost unnecessary." It was three years before Cantor could prove the answer was "yes."

6 มกราคม
1699 : Newton writes Flamsteed, probably aluding to Bernoulli's challenge of the brachistochrone problem, "I do not love...to be dunned and teezed by forreigners about Mathematical things."

1900 : Frege writes to Hilbret: "Suppose we know that the propositions (1) A is an intelligent being, (2) A is omnipresent, (3) A is omnipotent, together with all their consequences did not contradict one another; could we infer from this that there was an omnipotent, omnipresent, intelligent being?"

7 มกราคม
1610 : Galileo discovered the first three moons of Jupiter, or the Medicean Start, as he called them. (On January 7 and 13 he discovered the four largest ones.) The telescope seems to have been invented in Holland in 1608 and news of it spread quickly through Europe. Galileo constructed several telescopes and began observations in 1609. The discoveries of the Medicean Stars and the roughness of the moon, which ws illustrated with woodcuts, were published in Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius (The Starry Messenger) of 1610.

1981 : Cathleen S. Morawetz, of the Courant Institute, delivered the 54th Gibbs Lecture entitled "The mathematical approach to the sound barrier." She was the first woman to be invited to give this prestigious address to the AMS

8 มกราคม
1888 : Courant born.

9 มกราคม
]u]1587[/u] : Paul Wittich died. In 1580, with the help of Tycho Brahe, he rediscovered the method of prostaphaeresis.

10 มกราคม
1854 : Riemann presents a paper to the philosophical faculty at Gottingen in which he challenges the mathematical world to redefine the concept of infinity to be either endless or unbounded.

1911 : Garrett Birkhoff born.

11 มกราคม
1775 : Gaspard Monge (1746-1818) presents a memoir before teh Academie des Sciences in which he made use of two planes of projection in his descriptive geometry. Descriptive geometry, which deals with the accurate two dimensional rendering of three dimensional solids, had been suggested by Frezier in 1738, but it is mainly to Monge that the mathematical theory owes its development.

1787 : Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel discovers the first two moon of Uranus, Titania and Oberon

12 มกราคม
1853 : C. Ricci born.

13 มกราคม
1659 : Hendrik van Heuraet sends van Schooten his rectification of the semi-cubical parabola. This was published---his only publication---in the second Latin edition of Descartes' Geometrie. This broke the spell of Aristotle's dictum that curved lines could not in principle be compared with straight lines.

1902 : Karl Menger born.

1911 : A. V. Vasil'ev gave a lecture entitled,"Non-Euclidean Geometry and the Non-Aristotelian Logic." This is his claim to the discovery of three-valued logics. He did not work out the system in detail, so credit usually goes to Lukasiewicz.

14 มกราคม
1753 : Bishop George Berkely died. In 1734 he published The Analyst, Or a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician (namely Edmund Halley). This work was a strong and reasonably justified attack on the foundation of the differential calculus. He called differentials "the ghosts of departed quantities."

15 มกราคม
1827 : Only once, in a book review of 1816, did Gauss hint publically at his ideas on non-Euclidean Geometry. On this date he wrote his friend Schumacher that their published ideas were "besmirched with mud" by critics.

1850 : Sonya Kovalevsky born. Her bedroom was wallpapered with the pages of a text from her father's schooldays, namely, Ostrogradsky's lithographed lecture notes on the calculus. Study of the novel wallpaper introduced her to the calculus at age 11. She became the greatest woman mathematician prior to the twentieth century.

16 มกราคม
1801 : Birthdate of Thomas Clausen. In 1854 he factored F(6) = 2-to the 2-to the 6th +1 (Euler factored F(5) in 1732), thus providing another counterexample to a conjecture of Fermat.

1826 : Able writes Holboe: "The divergent series are the invention of the devil."

17 มกราคม
1868 : Birthdate of Louis Couturat, a logician whose historical researches led to the publication of Leibniz's logical works in 1903.

1974 IBM introduces the first programmable calculator