Old 18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2005, 02:56
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gon gon ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
ข้อความ: 4,611
gon is on a distinguished road

4 กุมภาพันธ์
1964 : ENIAC patent issued.

5 กุมภาพันธ์
1772 : Laplace presents his first probability memoir to the Academie des Sciences.

6 กุมภาพันธ์
1465 : Del Ferro born.

1612 : Christopher Clauvius , the Euclid of the sixteenth century, died. He was also the leader of the Gregorian calendar reform.

7 กุมภาพันธ์
1877 : Hardy born.

1883 : Eric Temple Bell born. Although he was a well known mathematician in his day, he is best remembered for his popular Men of Mathematics.

8 กุมภาพันธ์
1700 : Daniel Bernoulli born.

1875 : Birthdate of Thomas Bromwich . G.H. Hardy described him as the "best pure mathematician among the applied mathematicians at Cambridge, and the best applied mathematician among the pure mathematicians."

9 กุมภาพันธ์
1775 : Farkas Bolyai born.

1883 : Henry John Stephen Smith died (born November 2, 1826). He posthumously received the Grand Prix des Sciences Mathematiques of the Paris Academy of Science for his proof that every (positive?) integer is the sum of five squares. He shared the prize with eighteen year old Hermann Minkowski.