หัวข้อ: Functional Equation Marathon
Old 16 เมษายน 2016, 13:24
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Thgx0312555 Thgx0312555 ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 12 สิงหาคม 2011
ข้อความ: 885
Thgx0312555 is on a distinguished road

Let $P(x,y)$ be the assertion $f(y+f(x))^2=f(y)^2+f(8xy)+8x^2f(x^2)$

$P(0,y); f(y+f(0))^2=f(y)^2+f(0)$

We can easily see that $f(0)=0$, since if $f(0) \neq 0$, we can prove by induction that
when $n$ is an integer

and we can choose $n$ so that $nf(0)<-f(0)^2$ so that make $f(nf(0))^2=f(0)^2+nf(0)<0$, a contradiction!

So $f(0)=0$

$P(x,0); f(f(x))^2=8x^2f(x^2) \quad (1)$
$f(x^2) \ge 0$

We see that for $x>0$, $f(x)\ge 0$

We can rewrite $P(x,y)$ as $f(y+f(x))^2=f(y)^2+f(8xy)+f(f(x))^2$

If there are $x_0 \neq 0$ and $f(x_0)=0$ then $f(y)^2=f(y)^2+f(8x_0y)$
or $f(8x_0y)=0$

then we get for any $x$, $f(x)=0$ then it is finished

So suppose for $x \neq 0$, $f(x) \neq 0$, in particular when $x>0, f(x)>0$
Let $x \neq 0$

From $(1); f(f(x))^2=f(f(-x))^2$ but $f(f(x))$ and $f(f(-x))$ have different signs
so $f(f(-x))+f(f(x))=0$

$P(f(x),y); \quad f(y+f(f(x)))^2=f(y)^2+f(8f(x)y)+f(f(f(x)))^2$
$P(f(-x),y+f(f(x)));\quad f(y)^2=f(y+f(f(x)))^2+f(8f(-x)(y+f(f(x))))+f(f(f(-x)))^2$

Add the two equations together

Substitute $x$ with $-x$ and $y$ with $y+f(f(x))$



Set $y=-f(f(x))$

but they should have different signs so, a contradiction

therefore $f(x)=0$ for all $x$
โอกาส bug เยอะมากตามความยาว solution (รู้สึกว่าแก้มา 4 รอบแล้ว)
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