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Old 06 ตุลาคม 2020, 09:56
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วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 23 เมษายน 2013
ข้อความ: 1,211
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Default Dihedral angle

Dihedral angle ชื่อประหลาด
อย่าได้พลาด สืบค้น จนเกิดผล
นำประโยชน์ โรจน์รุ่ง จรุงสกล
ก้าวไกลพ้น ห่วงบ่วง อวิชชา

Old 10 ตุลาคม 2020, 20:56
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วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 23 เมษายน 2013
ข้อความ: 1,211
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A dihedral angle is the angle between two intersecting planes.

In chemistry, it is the angle between planes through two sets of three atoms, having two atoms in common.

In solid geometry, it is defined as the union of a line and two half-planes that
have this line as a common edge.

In higher dimensions, a dihedral angle represents the angle between two hyperplanes.[1]

The planes of a flying machine are said to be at positive dihedral angle when
both starboard and port main planes are upwardly inclined to the lateral axis.

Old 13 ตุลาคม 2020, 09:32
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วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 23 เมษายน 2013
ข้อความ: 1,211
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In aeronautics,

dihedral is the angle between the left and right wings (or tail surfaces) of an aircraft.
"Dihedral" is also used to describe the effect of sideslip on the rolling of the aircraft.

Dihedral angle is the upward angle from horizontal of the wings or tailplane of
a fixed-wing aircraft.

"Anhedral angle" is the name given to negative dihedral angle, that is,
when there is a downward angle from horizontal of the wings or tailplane of
a fixed-wing aircraft.
Old 13 ตุลาคม 2020, 16:31
share share ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 23 เมษายน 2013
ข้อความ: 1,211
share is on a distinguished road

Look around the room you are in right now,
and observe where one of the walls of the room meets the ceiling.
Notice that where this happens, an angle is formed.
That angle is called a dihedral angle.

A dihedral angle is the angle between two planes.
Recall, that a plane is a flat two-dimensional surface.

Look at the wall and the ceiling again, and see that these are both flat two-dimensional surfaces, which makes them planes.
Therefore, we see that the angle in-between them is an angle between two planes,
so it is a dihedral angle.
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